10 movies to watch in a bungalow

29 noviembre, 2017 - Por Graciela Camiña

Now that we are few weeks away from winter, what a better way to stay away from the coolest and the rainiest station than spending a weekend in one of the bungalows that BungalowsClub.com brings you? That’s why BungalowsClub proposes you 10 of the best films to enjoy with your friends, your couple and your relatives. Get comfortable and choose one of them!

1 I am Sam (2001)


You are not going to stop crying with this movie!

2 The Dark Knight (2008)

El Caballero Oscuro BungalowsClub

A film for all the family!

3 Inception (2010)

Origen BungalowsClub

Use the mind with this film!

4 The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

Lobo de Wall Street BungalowsClub

This image has been around the world!

5  Gone Girl (2014)

Perdida BungalowsClub

This movie will leave you astonished!

6 The Martian (2015)

Marte BungalowsClub

What are you waiting for to watch it?

7 Spotlight (2016)

Spotlight BungalowsClub

If you are a journalist, you can not miss it!

8 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

If you are a fan of Star Wars, you cannot miss this movie!

9  Inside Out (2015)

A movie recommended for the whole family!

10 The Lego Batman Movie (2017)

You can not stop laughing with this version of the bat of Gotham!

Don’t forget that you can watch all these films in the most comfortable way in any accommodation that BungalowsClub recommends you.


Image Credits: Lego Batman, SensaCine, Blog de Cine, Omicrono, El País, Blog de Cine, Guizmodo, El Español, Forbes, Disney Store


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