Reasons for your next getaway!

16 noviembre, 2016 - Por Graciela Camiña

To travel is one of the most wonderful things in life. To travel, to know, to relax, to taste, to savour, to contemplate… It is one of the pleasures that exist. A lot of people don’t travel because the fear, the money or the absence of time, if you want you can! BungalowsClub is going to convince you of  how beautiful it is to travel with the next reasons.

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Disconnect of the routine:

The work, the stressful, the problems of the day by day. Sometimes you have to put distance between all this to comfort them at the comeback with the best attitude and positive.

To know new places:

To travel means to know a lot of places of the world, it makes you to know more and more histories.

To meet new people:

If you travel by your own or with friends, you are always going to meet new people. One of the most beautiful things of traveling is to have the posibility to get to know people with different nationalities, cultures, customs or religions. To can see different forms of think and see the life.

To discover new forms of establishments:

If you are of those who always stay at the classic hotel, now you have a new motive to escape of your city. Know rural houses, bungalows, and establishment with charm. New forms of establishment where you can enjoy of the nature and of a unique environment.

ranita relax

To live a new experience:

When you travel you do things that usually you don’t: Outdoors activities, try new foods, different adventures, enjoy of unique views. If you go to a new place, you have to experiment as much as you can and that makes you to enjoy it the most. When you come back home, you comeback with the sensation of have lived an unforgettable experience.

To have time for your own and to know you better:

To know yourself good you have to expose yourself to new situations. Traveling give us more time to think and reflexionate about our lives and of what we want and what we don´t. The routine prevent us of having time for ourself and getting away of the day by day is the unique opportunity to make it.


«Don’t travel to escape of life, but for your life not escape»

Image Credits: Vía Verde del Cidacos, Pixabay, Alesha


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